There are a limited number of studies on the influence of heredity on resistance
or susceptibility to mastitis in either the cow, goat or sheep. Genes are
known to influence the shape and structure of the teat (Hickman, 1964).
Mastitis histories of two cow families in different geographical locations
revealed significant difference which led to the conclusion that heredity
played a part in the infection rate. Dam-daughter comparisons based on data
derived from field surveys cite the influence of heredity on mastitis (Randel
and Sunberg, 1962).
The primary cause of mastitis in cattle, goats and sheep are well-recognized
groups of microorganisms, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Pasteurella
sp. and coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter sp., and Klebsiella sp.
Recent studies at the University of Missouri collected data on the incidence
of subclinical mastitis in ewes and identified Staphylococcus, sp., Streptococcus
sp. and Micrococcus sp., found in bacterial cultures (Andrews et al., 1985).
Nineteen microorganisms have been
identified as causative agents of mastitis in cattle. Yeast and fungus have
also been found frequently infecting the udder, but usually go unnoticed
because they produce a mild or subclinical mastitis.
The relationship between the amount of mammary tissue affected by microorganisms
and the form of mastitis is shown in figure 2.
One of the most important keys to controlling mastitis in ewes is good management
practices. The incidence of mastitis is greater in closely confined flocks.
Bedding material in barns should be clean, especially before and after lambing.
Microorganisms thrive in dark, wet, warm bedding. When the ewes lay down
to rest, the bacteria in dirty bedding can easily enter the teat when the
udder is full of milk. Microorganisms can enter the teat canal. Dirty bedding
and crowding will make this possible. Lambs from infected ewes will often
nurse other ewes, spreading the microorganisms to others in the flock. Isolating
ewes suspected of chronic or acute mastitis will help reduce the incidence
of mastitis in a flock. Ewes should be fed in bunks rather than on the ground.
Ewes with udders that show obvious signs of acute or chronic mastitis should
be separated from the flock and treated with antibiotics. Then lambs often
need to be bottle fed. Milk production may be decreased significantly or
slightly depending upon the degree of infection.
Chronic mastitis can be prevented by a good management program. Before weaning
cut out all grain feeding for 3-5 days. Feed a lower quality substitute
such as grass hay at this time. Reducing water and all feed 12-24 hours
before weaning is sometimes practiced. Reducing the volume of milk by reducing
grain and feeding low quality hay will help prevent udder distension and
fever. Microorganisms will have more difficulty infecting a flaccid udder.
In addition, the tissue in the udder will not be damaged, preventing vulnerability
to microorganisms.
Disinfect the teat end with alcohol and infuse a tube of mastitis antibiotic
through the teat canal. Give the ewe an injection of a combination of penicillin,
dihydrostreptomycin, dexamethasone and an antihistamine. The antibiotics
should affect the microorganisms and the dexamethasone and antihistamine
should help the tissue heal and reduce inflammation.
The udders of ewes should be examined physically for hard lumps after weaning
and before breeding.
Ewes with "lumpy bags" should be culled. The supply of these ewes
will be decreased and the amount of decrease will depend upon the amount
of tissue damaged. The genetic factor involved should also be considered.
Culling these ewes and practicing good management should result in a low
incidence of mastitis.
Schalm, O.W., E.J. Carroll, and N.C. Jain. 1971.
Bovine Mastitis, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia p.24.
Hickman, C.G. 1964. Teat shape and size in relation to production characteristics
mastitis in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci., 47:777.
Randel, J., and F. Sunberg. 1962. Factors influencing the type and incidence
of mastitis
in Swedish dairy cattle. Acta Vet. Scand. 3:13 Suppl. 1.
Andrews, M.L., T.A. Mollett, R.T. Marshall and D.H.Keisler. 1985. Incidence
of subclinical
mastitis in ewes and impact on lamb performance.
Missouri Sheep Report, University of Missouri and Lincoln University.